To the American People

A message to the American People


White Americans and all Americans, whether rich or poor, are experiencing the financial fruits of slavery. No, we never owned slaves. Yes, we have inherited slavery's economic benefits and a responsibility for making amends. There is a debt owed to the descendants of the enslaved that cannot be denied. There is a class system as well, and class plays a role. 


We are well aware that much of the wealth gained from participation in the slave trade still exists today in the hands of the owning class. We call upon those who gained wealth – European royal families, the Vatican, Jesuits, churches, banks, institutions, corporations and families – to take responsibility and return stolen wealth as required by this call for justice. 


Maybe you think our government doesn’t have the money to pay reparations. If so, end the wars. Bring those billions profiting the weapons industry back home. We CAN pay this debt and we must for our own sake. We must change the direction and stop the savage pillaging and profit-taking the owning class has been engaged in.


We need a new mind; one that is not supremacist, deceptive and parasitic, but one that is truthful, transparent, and authentically good. We must turn the boat around. Reparation is DUE, and the outcome of taking responsibility and providing reparation, restoration and self-determination is a better America and a better world for all of us. It's time to do what we know is the right thing, grateful for the opportunity to make amends. The outcome will be a world that truly human beings want to live in.